Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the classes they belong to:
- a -
- adapter_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- all_types : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >
- allocator_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- args_ref_t : koutil::argparser::Arguments< Args >
- args_t : koutil::argparser::Arguments< Args >
- b -
- bucket_const_iter : koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- bucket_iter : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- bucket_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- c -
- channel_t : koutil::term::Color
- comptime_t : koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- const_iterator_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- const_value_ref_t : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >
- const_value_type : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >::iterator< is_const >
- constant_reference : koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::iterator< is_const >
- container : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >::single_vector_container, koutil::type::types_containers::vector
- containers : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >
- d -
- h -
- hash_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- i -
- iterator_category : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >::iterator< is_const >
- iterator_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- iterator_tag : koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::iterator< is_const >
- k -
- key_id_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- key_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- o -
- p -
- r -
- ref_t : koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::iterator< is_const >
- reference : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >::iterator< is_const >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::iterator< is_const >
- rest : koutil::type::detail::types_remove_impl< Search, Type, Other >
- s -
- t -
- template_hash_array_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- to_containers_t : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >
- transform : koutil::type::types_transforms::constant, koutil::type::types_transforms::constant_reference, koutil::type::types_transforms::reference, koutil::type::types_transforms::tuple, koutil::type::types_transforms::variant, koutil::type::types_transforms::vector_const_reference, koutil::type::types_transforms::vector_reference
- transform_types_t : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >
- transforms : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >
- type : koutil::type::detail::types_get_impl< types< Types... >, I >, koutil::type::detail::types_get_impl< types<>, I >, koutil::type::detail::types_remove< types< Types... >, Type >, koutil::type::detail::types_remove< types<>, Type >, koutil::type::detail::types_remove_impl< Search, Type, Other >, koutil::type::detail::types_remove_impl< Search, Type >, koutil::type::detail::types_to_arrays< types< Types... >, types< Unique... > >, koutil::type::detail::types_to_containers< types< Types... >, Container >, koutil::type::detail::types_transform_impl< types< Types... >, Transform >, koutil::type::detail::types_unique_impl< types< Types... > >, koutil::type::detail::types_view< N, types< Type, Other... > >, koutil::type::detail::types_view< N, types<> >, koutil::type::detail::unique_types_impl< T >, koutil::type::detail::unique_types_impl< T, Other... >, koutil::type::types_cat< types< T... >, types< U... > >
- types : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >
- u -
- v -
- value_ref_t : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >
- value_t : koutil::container::hash_array< Key, KeyID, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >, koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >
- value_type : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >::iterator< is_const >, koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::iterator< is_const >
- vec_ptr_t : koutil::container::multi_vector< Types >::iterator< is_const >