No Matches
koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator > Class Template Reference

#include <template_hash_array.h>


class  iterator
 Iterator class template for hash_array. More...

Public Types

using iterator_t = iterator<false>
using const_iterator_t = iterator<true>

Public Member Functions

 template_hash_array ()
 Default constructor.
 template_hash_array (std::size_t bucket_count)
 Constructor with bucket count.
 template_hash_array (const template_hash_array &other)
 Copy constructor.
 template_hash_array (template_hash_array &&other)
 Move constructor.
 ~template_hash_array ()
template_hash_arrayoperator= (const template_hash_array &other)
 Copy assignment operator.
template_hash_arrayoperator= (template_hash_array &&other)
 Move assignment operator.
bool empty () const
 Check if the hash_array is empty.
std::size_t size () const
 Get the number of elements in the hash_array.
std::size_t bucket_count () const
 Returns the number of buckets.
float max_load_factor () const
 Returns the maximum load factor.
void set_max_load_factor (float factor)
 Sets a new maximum load factor.
void clear ()
 Clear all elements from the hash_array.
template<comptime_t Data>
bool try_insert (const key_t &key, const key_id_t &key_id, adapter_t adapter)
 Try to insert a key and key ID into the hash_array.
template<comptime_t Data>
bool try_set (const key_t &key, const key_id_t &new_key_id, adapter_t adapter)
 Try to set new key ID.
template<comptime_t Data>
void erase (const key_t &key, adapter_t adapter)
 Erases an element from the hash table.
template<comptime_t Data>
iterator_t find (const key_t &key, adapter_t adapter)
 Finds an element in the hash table.
template<comptime_t Data>
const_iterator_t find (const key_t &key, adapter_t adapter) const
 Finds an element in the hash table.
iterator_t begin ()
 Get an iterator to the beginning of the hash_array.
iterator_t end ()
 Get an iterator to the end of the hash_array.
const_iterator_t begin () const
 Get a constant iterator to the beginning of the hash_array.
const_iterator_t end () const
 Get a constant iterator to the end of the hash_array.
const_iterator_t cbegin () const
 Get a constant iterator to the beginning of the hash_array.
const_iterator_t cend () const
 Get a constant iterator to the end of the hash_array.

Private Types

using key_t = Key
using key_id_t = KeyID
using value_t = std::size_t
using bucket_t = Bucket
using hash_t = Hash
using bucket_iter = bucket_t::iterator
using bucket_const_iter = bucket_t::const_iterator
using adapter_t = KeyAdapter
using allocator_t = Allocator
using comptime_t = ComptimeData

Private Member Functions

template<comptime_t Data>
value_t hash_key (const Key &key)
template<comptime_t Data>
bucket_tget_bucket (const key_t &key)
template<comptime_t Data>
bucket_iter find_bucket_item (const key_t &key, bucket_t &bucket, adapter_t adapter)
template<comptime_t Data>
bucket_const_iter find_bucket_item (const key_t &key, const bucket_t &bucket, adapter_t adapter) const
template<comptime_t Data>
bool insert (const key_t &key, const key_id_t &key_id, adapter_t adapter)
template<comptime_t Data>
void remove (const key_t &key, adapter_t adapter)
template<comptime_t Data>
bool set (const key_t &key, const key_id_t &new_key_id, adapter_t adapter)
void rehash_if_needed ()
void clear_all_buckets ()
void destroy ()

Private Attributes

std::size_t m_buckets_count
std::size_t m_size = 0
float m_max_load_factor = 1.0F

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ adapter_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::adapter_t = KeyAdapter

◆ allocator_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::allocator_t = Allocator

◆ bucket_const_iter

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::bucket_const_iter = bucket_t::const_iterator

◆ bucket_iter

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::bucket_iter = bucket_t::iterator

◆ bucket_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::bucket_t = Bucket

◆ comptime_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::comptime_t = ComptimeData

◆ const_iterator_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::const_iterator_t = iterator<true>

◆ hash_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::hash_t = Hash

◆ iterator_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::iterator_t = iterator<false>

◆ key_id_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::key_id_t = KeyID

◆ key_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::key_t = Key

◆ value_t

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
using koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::value_t = std::size_t

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ template_hash_array() [1/4]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::template_hash_array ( )

Default constructor.

◆ template_hash_array() [2/4]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::template_hash_array ( std::size_t bucket_count)

Constructor with bucket count.

bucket_countNumber of buckets.

◆ template_hash_array() [3/4]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::template_hash_array ( const template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator > & other)

Copy constructor.

otherAnother hash_array to copy from.

◆ template_hash_array() [4/4]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::template_hash_array ( template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator > && other)

Move constructor.

otherAnother hash_array to move from.

◆ ~template_hash_array()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::~template_hash_array ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
iterator_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::begin ( )

Get an iterator to the beginning of the hash_array.

iterator_t Iterator to the beginning.

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
const_iterator_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::begin ( ) const

Get a constant iterator to the beginning of the hash_array.

const_iterator_t Constant iterator to the beginning.

◆ bucket_count()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
std::size_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::bucket_count ( ) const

Returns the number of buckets.

std::size_t Number of buckets.

◆ cbegin()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
const_iterator_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::cbegin ( ) const

Get a constant iterator to the beginning of the hash_array.

iterator_t Constant iterator to the beginning.

◆ cend()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
const_iterator_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::cend ( ) const

Get a constant iterator to the end of the hash_array.

const_iterator_t Constant iterator to the end.

◆ clear()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
void koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::clear ( )

Clear all elements from the hash_array.

◆ clear_all_buckets()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
void koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::clear_all_buckets ( )

◆ destroy()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
void koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::destroy ( )

◆ empty()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
bool koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::empty ( ) const

Check if the hash_array is empty.

bool True if empty, false otherwise.

◆ end() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
iterator_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::end ( )

Get an iterator to the end of the hash_array.

iterator_t Iterator to the end.

◆ end() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
const_iterator_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::end ( ) const

Get a constant iterator to the end of the hash_array.

const_iterator_t Constant iterator to the end.

◆ erase()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
void koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::erase ( const key_t & key,
adapter_t adapter )

Erases an element from the hash table.

Template Parameters
DataThe comptime data.
keyKey of the element to erase.
adapterKey adapter for comparison.
true If the element was successfully erased.
false If the element was not found.

◆ find() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
iterator_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::find ( const key_t & key,
adapter_t adapter )

Finds an element in the hash table.

Template Parameters
DataThe comptime data.
keyKey of the element to find.
adapterKey adapter for comparison.
iterator_t The iterator with found element, if not found end() is returned.

◆ find() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
const_iterator_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::find ( const key_t & key,
adapter_t adapter ) const

Finds an element in the hash table.

Template Parameters
DataThe comptime data.
keyKey of the element to find.
adapterKey adapter for comparison.
const_iterator_t The iterator with found element, if not found end() is returned.

◆ find_bucket_item() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
bucket_iter koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::find_bucket_item ( const key_t & key,
bucket_t & bucket,
adapter_t adapter )

◆ find_bucket_item() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
bucket_const_iter koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::find_bucket_item ( const key_t & key,
const bucket_t & bucket,
adapter_t adapter ) const

◆ get_bucket()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
bucket_t & koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::get_bucket ( const key_t & key)

◆ hash_key()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
value_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::hash_key ( const Key & key)

◆ insert()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
bool koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::insert ( const key_t & key,
const key_id_t & key_id,
adapter_t adapter )

◆ max_load_factor()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
float koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::max_load_factor ( ) const

Returns the maximum load factor.

float Maximum load factor.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template_hash_array & koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::operator= ( const template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator > & other)

Copy assignment operator.

otherAnother hash_array to copy from.
hash_array& Reference to the assigned hash_array.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template_hash_array & koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::operator= ( template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator > && other)

Move assignment operator.

otherAnother hash_array to move from.
hash_array& Reference to the assigned hash_array.

◆ rehash_if_needed()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
void koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::rehash_if_needed ( )

◆ remove()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
void koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::remove ( const key_t & key,
adapter_t adapter )

◆ set()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
bool koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::set ( const key_t & key,
const key_id_t & new_key_id,
adapter_t adapter )

◆ set_max_load_factor()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
void koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::set_max_load_factor ( float factor)

Sets a new maximum load factor.

factorNew maximum load factor.

◆ size()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
std::size_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::size ( ) const

Get the number of elements in the hash_array.

std::size_t Number of elements.

◆ try_insert()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
bool koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::try_insert ( const key_t & key,
const key_id_t & key_id,
adapter_t adapter )

Try to insert a key and key ID into the hash_array.

Template Parameters
DataThe comptime data.
keyThe key to insert.
key_idThe key ID to insert.
bool True if the key is not inside hash_array, false otherwise.

◆ try_set()

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
template<comptime_t Data>
bool koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::try_set ( const key_t & key,
const key_id_t & new_key_id,
adapter_t adapter )

Try to set new key ID.

Template Parameters
DataThe comptime data.
keyThe key.
new_key_idThe new key ID.
bool True if the key ID was changed, false otherwise.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_buckets

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
bucket_t* koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::m_buckets

◆ m_buckets_count

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
std::size_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::m_buckets_count

◆ m_max_load_factor

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
float koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::m_max_load_factor = 1.0F

◆ m_size

template<typename Key , typename KeyID , typename ComptimeData , is_template_key_adapter< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData > KeyAdapter, is_template_hash< Key, ComptimeData > Hash, is_bucket< KeyID > Bucket = std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, KeyID>>, is_allocator< Bucket > Allocator = std::allocator<Bucket>>
std::size_t koutil::container::template_hash_array< Key, KeyID, ComptimeData, KeyAdapter, Hash, Bucket, Allocator >::m_size = 0

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