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koutil::container::is_template_key_adapter Concept Reference

Concept to check if a type is a valid key adapter. More...

#include <template_hash_array.h>

Concept definition

template<typename T, typename Key, typename KeyID, typename ComptimeData>
concept koutil::container::is_template_key_adapter = requires(const Key& key, T adapter, const KeyID& index) {
requires std::move_constructible<T> && std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T>;
{ adapter.template eql<ComptimeData {}>(key, index) } -> std::same_as<bool>;
Concept to check if a type is a valid key adapter.
Definition template_hash_array.h:58

Detailed Description

Concept to check if a type is a valid key adapter.

Template Parameters
TThe key adapter type.
KeyThe key type.
KeyIDThe key ID type.
ComptimeDataThe comptime data type.