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Here is a list of all concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Ris_argChecks if a type is Arg
 Rare_argumentsChecks if a type is derived from ArgumentsBase
 RparserConcept to check if a type is a parser
 Ris_subcommandConcept to check if a type satisfies the requirements of a subcommand
 Rare_commandsConcept to check if a type satisfies the requirements of a collection of commands
 Ris_hashConcept to check if a type is a valid hash function for a given Key type
 Ris_key_adapterConcept to check if a type is a valid key adapter
 Ris_multi_vector_elementConcept to check if a type is a valid multi_vector element
 Ris_template_hashConcept to check if a type is a valid hash function for a given Key type
 Ris_bucketConcept to check if a type is a valid bucket type
 Ris_template_key_adapterConcept to check if a type is a valid key adapter
 Ris_allocatorConcept to check if a type is a valid allocator for a given bucket type
 Rtypes_transformConcept for a type that provides a transform template
 Rtypes_containerConcept for a type that provides a container template